Texas School Punishes Black Student For His Dreadlocks

A Black student in Texas has been in in-school suspension for refusing to cut his dreadlocks.

A Black student in Texas has been in in-school suspension for refusing to cut his dreadlocks. He says his hair is part of his culture and identity, but the school says it violates the dress code policy. He has been fighting the rule in court and with the help of supporters.

A Black student is punished for his hair

A Black student is punished for his hair

A Black student in Texas was sent back to a special class on Tuesday because he did not want to cut his hair. He has been fighting with his school for a long time over a rule that he thinks is unfair.

The student is 18 years old and he is in 11th grade. He has missed most of his normal classes this year because of his hair.

Why is his hair a problem?

The school has a rule that says boys cannot have hair that is longer than their ears, eyebrows or collar. The student has dreadlocks, which are twisted strands of hair that can grow very long. He says his hair is part of his culture and identity.

The school says the rule is not about race, but about keeping a professional appearance. They say the rule applies to all boys, no matter what their hair type is.

What has happened so far?

The student has been in trouble with the school since last year, when he was told to cut his hair or face consequences. He refused to do so, and he was put in in-school suspension, which means he has to stay in a separate room and do his work there.

He also was not allowed to go to his graduation ceremony or other school events. He tried to appeal the decision, but he lost. He even went to court, but the judge sided with the school.

The student’s family and supporters say the rule is discriminatory and violates his civil rights. They say the rule targets Black students who have natural hair that grows differently from other students. They also say the rule is outdated and does not reflect the diversity of the students.

What is happening now?

The student is still in in-school suspension, and he is still fighting the rule. He has a new lawyer who is trying to get the court to change its mind. He also has a lot of people who support him, including celebrities, activists and politicians.

He hopes that he can go back to his regular classes soon, and that he can graduate with his friends. He also hopes that his case will help change the rule for other students who have similar hair. He says he is proud of his hair and he will not cut it.


The article shows how a simple issue of hair can become a complex and controversial one. It raises questions about race, culture, identity, education and civil rights. It also shows how one student’s struggle can inspire others to stand up for their beliefs and challenge unfair policies.

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