Stork Mother Drops One of Her Chicks in a Viral Video: Why Did She Do It?

The viral video of a stork mother dropping her chick from a nest has shocked and saddened many people, but there is a reason why she did this.

The viral video of a stork mother dropping her chick from a nest has shocked and saddened many people, but there is a reason why she did this. Find out why parental infanticide is a survival strategy in nature, and what it tells us about the harsh reality of the natural world.

Why Stork Parents Sometimes Drop Their Chicks: The Truth Behind a Viral Video

Why Stork Parents Sometimes Drop Their Chicks: The Truth Behind a Viral Video

A video of a stork mother dropping one of her chicks from a nest has gone viral on social media. The video shows the mother picking up the chick with her beak and throwing it down, while the other three chicks watch. Many people were shocked and saddened by this scene, but there is a reason why the stork mother did this.

The stork mother’s behavior is called parental infanticide, which means killing one’s own offspring. This may seem cruel and unnatural, but it is actually a common strategy in nature. Many animals, especially birds, do this when they have more offspring than they can feed and protect. By reducing the number of chicks, the parents can increase the chances of survival for the rest of the brood.

A study of white storks in Germany found that parental infanticide occurred in nine out of 63 nests. In most cases, it was the father who killed the chick, not the mother. The researchers suggested that the parents may do this when they face food shortages, bad weather, or other threats. They may also do this when the chicks are weak, sick, or deformed. The parents may recognize that these chicks have a low chance of survival and may harm the health of the other chicks.

The video of the stork mother dropping her chick shows us the harsh reality of nature. Unlike humans, who have empathy and compassion for the weak and the helpless, animals follow the rule of survival of the fittest. They have to make tough decisions to ensure the survival of their genes. Parental infanticide is one of these decisions, and it is not done out of malice or indifference, but out of necessity.

The video also reminds us of the challenges that animals face in the wild. They have to deal with predators, diseases, climate change, and human interference. These factors can affect their food supply, their habitat, and their reproduction. As humans, we have a responsibility to protect and conserve the natural environment and the wildlife that lives in it. We should also respect and appreciate the diversity and complexity of animal behavior, even when it seems cruel or shocking to us.


In conclusion, the viral video of a stork mother dropping her chick from a nest is not a sign of cruelty or neglect, but a survival strategy in nature. Parental infanticide is a common behavior in many bird species, and it is done to increase the chances of survival for the rest of the brood. The video also shows us the harsh reality of nature, where animals have to make tough decisions to cope with the challenges of the wild. As humans, we should respect and appreciate the diversity and complexity of animal behavior, and we should also protect and conserve the natural environment and the wildlife that lives in it.

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