[Video] Photographer Lost Her Camera and Her Confidence in a Brutal Attack at Verulamium Park

The attack on the photographer at Verulamium Park was a shocking and senseless act of violence that left her injured, traumatized, and deprived of...

A female photographer was pushed into a lake by an unprovoked man at Verulamium Park in 2018, resulting in injury and damage to her equipment. The attacker has never been identified or charged. Read the full story here.

A Photographer’s Nightmare: How a Random Attack Ruined Her Day and Her Equipment

A Photographer’s Nightmare: How a Random Attack Ruined Her Day and Her Equipment

Imagine you are a photographer, enjoying a sunny day at a beautiful park, taking pictures of the scenery and the wildlife. You are standing at the edge of a lake, capturing the reflections of the trees and the sky on the water. Suddenly, you feel a push from behind, and you lose your balance. You fall into the lake, along with your camera and your lenses. You are shocked, wet, and cold. You look up and see a man laughing at you, as if he just played a harmless prank. He says, “It was just a joke, calm down.”

This is not a hypothetical scenario, but a real one that happened to a female photographer in 2018 at Verulamium Park in Hertfordshire, England. The woman, who did not want to be named, was attacked by an unprovoked man, who pushed her into the ornamental lake in the park. The incident resulted in injury and damage to her photography equipment, valued at approximately $3,000.

The attack was witnessed by several members of the public, who rushed to help the woman out of the water. Some of them also confronted the attacker, who tried to justify his actions by saying, “It was just a bit of fun, she was in my way.” One of the witnesses, who recorded a video of the incident, said, “He was very aggressive, he didn’t seem to care at all. He was saying it was a joke, but it was clearly not a joke. It was a horrible thing to do.”

The video, along with other footage taken by members of the public, was shared on social media and local news outlets, in an attempt to identify the attacker and bring him to justice. However, despite the widespread coverage and the clear images of the suspect, he has never been identified or charged. The police said they had exhausted all lines of inquiry and appealed for anyone with information to come forward.

The photographer, who suffered bruises and cuts from the fall, said she was traumatized by the attack and afraid to go out alone. She also said she was devastated by the loss of her equipment, which she had saved up for years to buy. She said, “I love photography, it’s my passion. It’s not just a hobby, it’s my way of expressing myself. I had some of my best pictures on that camera, and now they are gone. I don’t know if I can ever replace them.”

She also said she was grateful for the support and kindness of the people who helped her and tried to find the attacker. She said, “I want to thank everyone who came to my aid, who took videos, who shared them online, who contacted the police. They restored my faith in humanity. I hope that one day, the person who did this to me will be caught and punished. He needs to realize that his actions have consequences, and that he can’t get away with hurting people for no reason.”


The attack on the photographer at Verulamium Park was a shocking and senseless act of violence that left her injured, traumatized, and deprived of her valuable equipment and work. The attacker, who showed no remorse or empathy, has not been caught or punished, despite the efforts of the public and the police. The photographer, who is still recovering from the ordeal, hopes that justice will be served and that her passion for photography will not be diminished by this incident.

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